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About Us

Who are we

PAMA strives to make Singaporean’s everyday lives less 辛苦 (xin ku) with the products that we provide.

We thoroughly select household items that can be beneficial to anyone from newborns to elderlies. To make online shopping experience 简单 (jiantan), PAMA has both online and a travelling physical store. We provide self-pickup services at our physical outlets as well.


How are we different from other online stores?

Make Shopping 好简单 (Hao Jiantan) Online shopping has become increasingly popular in this day and age but people are still afraid of online scammers, giving out your credidt card information or lack of credit card and sites that are cumbersome. PAMA is here to solve these problems with our services such as our self pick-up option.


What are we selling?

Our Products

We want to cater products that will improve and shape your everyday lifestyle and home living that are very 便宜 (Pianyi).